“What’s important is spending time together”: grandparents and grandchildren talk about their bond

“What’s important is spending time together”: grandparents and grandchildren talk about their bond
“What’s important is spending time together”: grandparents and grandchildren talk about their bond

And you, what relationship do you have with your grandparents? This bond is often very strong and formed very early, often full of tenderness, learning and memories, transcends differences of age and time.

Pass on your passions and know-how

“We only exist because our children make us exist” with young children, explains Régine Florin at the microphone of Bleu Occitanierecalling the essential role of parents in creating the link between grandparents and grandchildren. For Geneviève, her grandchildren, “it’s unconditional love”. “We create memories for them, explains this grandmother, and it’s important, I pass on to them what my grandparents gave me. My maternal grandmother, Italian, told me about her travels, taught me her cooking, she taught me how to make gnocchi and lasagna. I still do it sometimes, and I involve my grandchildren!”

Share these moments of life

Mélissa’s great-grandmother, Fernande, is 99 years old. She has things to tell: that’s why Mélissa decided to film their discussions and moments of complicity. The nonagenarian has become a real star of social networks: “It is no more my intention than hers since she told me how in her time she was very coveted, the center of attention and that today she was “old and wrinkled” and that she “no longer interested many people” traces Mélissa, who regularly films her grandmother.

Take the time to listen to each other

Marie-Frédérique testifies to France Bleu Hérault: “Having grandchildren is a mutual enrichment. What is important is spending time together, I think our grandchildren need to be listened to, because adults don’t have the time! What I try to do is go out with them, go to the theater, to the cinema, to play together.”

“With my husband, now that we have time, we try to give them everything that we didn’t have with our children, abounds Elsa, grandmother of three grandchildren.



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