It’s free and it’s now!

It’s free and it’s now!
It’s free and it’s now!

Pink October is launched! Every year, the National Cancer Institute (INCa) organizes a breast cancer awareness campaign. The objective: to encourage women to be screened and thus reduce the number of deaths. looks at breast cancer screening and its reimbursement by Social Security and the mutual health insurance.

Get screened to increase chances of cancer cure

You have between 50 and 74 years old ? On this first day of October, Health Insurance invites you to screen for breast cancer. This screening is recommended every 2 years to women in this age group who do not present no symptoms or personal and family history.

Concretely, breast cancer screening consists of have a mammogram with a radiologist. Thanks to this examination, more than 10,000 aggressive cancers are detected each year and can be cured earlier! In fact, being screened allows you to detect early cancers and treat them in time. In other words, screening increases the chances of recovery in the event of cancer!

It is recommended to carry out a breast examination by a GP or gynecologist every year from the age of 25. This palpation makes it possible to detect possible cancer.

Breast cancer screening is free

Good news: Health Insurance fully supports mammography as part of breast cancer screening! To do this, you must go to a certified radiologist of your choice. During your consultation, present:

  • The support voucher and the invitation letter to get tested that Health Insurance sent you;
  • Your vital card.

By presenting these documents, you will not have to pay anything. Health Insurance will take care of everything.

You can find the list of approved radiologists in the invitation letter from Health Insurance. This letter is sent to you by post or to your ameli account.

Additional examinations are also reimbursed

If you need to perform additional examinations following this screeningthese will also be reimbursed under the usual conditions of support. To benefit from better reimbursement for these additional examinations, do not hesitate to compare the quotes on! In just a few clicks, you can find one cheap mutual insurance which offers a radiology support.



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