TDOCITES on political summons in Senegal

TDOCITES on political summons in Senegal
TDOCITES on political summons in Senegal

The recent wave of summonses by the judicial authorities in Senegal is sparking heated discussions. Cheikh Yérim Seck, already subject to a return from the Prosecutor’s Office, saw Bougane Guèye Dany join the ranks of people placed in police custody. This situation comes after the two figures disputed the Prime Minister’s statements regarding possible financial irregularities under the previous regime.

According to sources from Dailythe charges include defamation and spreading false news. This crackdown appears aligned with recent official government statements. The Prime Minister insisted on the notion of “national security” in terms of economic data. In addition, a government spokesperson strongly condemned any attempt to discredit institutions for political purposes.

The authorities’ reaction, seen as an attempt to control public debate, worries some human rights defenders. Birahim Seck, from the Civil Forum, criticizes this “lead screed”, while Seydi Gassama denounces laws that he considers liberticidal, reminiscent of the Macky Sall era. These laws, according to him, should be reformed to respect international standards in terms of public freedoms.

Despite the fall of the old regime, repressive practices appear to persist, reminding observers of the need for significant legal reform to protect fundamental freedoms in Senegal.



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