This male disease that kills women due to doctors’ ignorance

This male disease that kills women due to doctors’ ignorance
This male disease that kills women due to doctors’ ignorance

The standard image of this disease that we see on television has remained a cliché that is not not without consequences on female mortality. Because everyone assumes it is a male disease, women fall victim to it. How ? It is considered unlikely that a woman could develop the disease.

However, this disease that we often associate with the man ofoverweight middle age Clutching the chest is the biggest killer of women in the UK now, reports The Sun in its columns of September 25, 2024.

So-called male disease: a misconception that kills women

Cardiovascular disease, a generic term for conditions of the heart or blood vessels, is the
main cause of death among women, specifies the British media. British women are dying”unnecessarily“of heart disease due to the misconception that it is a”man’s illness“, alerted British scientists.

The misconception that it is a man’s disease highlights the fact that cardiovascular disease in women has contributed to its under-recognition and under-treatment.” explained the British cardiologists in the journal Heart. Scientists have insisted that cardiovascular disease be considered a disease of men and a misconception.

Fewer treatments for cardiovascular disease for women

33 British experts affiliated with the British Cardiovascular
highlighted the fact that many treatments for heart disease are primarily
studied in menthen applied to women in their new declaration. They reported a “gap” existing between men and women in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

Women are less likely to receive certain treatments or diagnostic tests, scientists say. Heart disease, including
coronary heart diseaseare the leading cause of death among women in the UK and worldwide. “We find that their symptoms are ignored or women are told there is nothing wrong with them or that they are being treated for something else, when they could actually have a heart problem.“, said Professor Vijay Kunadian.



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