Having dandruff could increase the risk of breast cancer

Having dandruff could increase the risk of breast cancer
Having dandruff could increase the risk of breast cancer

Taking care of your scalp may be more important than you think! In fact, a skin fungus at the origin of dandruff would promote the development of breast cancer. This is what a study published on September 5, 2024 in the journal mBio, of the American Society of Microbiology, reveals. The alleged culprit is called Malassezia Globosa.

The authors, researchers at Hebei University in China, carried out various tests on mice with mammary tumors. To do this, doses of Malassezia Globosa were injected directly into the tumors. The results indicate that in mice subjected to the injections, the tumor size increases significantly compared to those that did not receive the injection. The fungus, which feeds on lipids, colonizes the breast adipose tissueSimilarly, overall survival in the group receiving Malassezia Globosa was reduced.

Although the exact mechanism of this process has not been proven, the study suggests that the fungus may be an indirect source of inflammatory responses in the tumor. This phenomenon would be due to the protein Interleukin 17 A (IL-17A), the production of which is increased by Malassezia Globosa and which creates these inflammatory responses. However, inflammations of this type promote the creation and progression of breast tumors. In addition, the mammary glands, due to their high capacity to secrete and synthesize lipids, encourage the development of the fungus.

Conversely, the study indicates that reducing the amount of Malassezia Globosa would help reduce the growth of the breast tumor. In addition, a conventional treatment of anticancer drugs would have resulted in a regression of the fungus and the tumor.

The study does not provide any numerical data to support these results. The authors specify that more research is needed to understand exactly the mechanism of this phenomenon.

A family of fungi often found on the skin

Malassezia Globosa is originally part of a large yeast familyMalassezia, which includes 90% of skin fungi. They can appear on any type of skin human skins and scalpsbut also in some animals. Malassezia Globosa is known to be the cause of inflammation that creates films. It can also cause dermatitis or a superficial mycosis called pityriasis versicolor.

At this time, the study does not specify exactly how the fungus could spread from the skin to breast tissue. Nevertheless, the authors stress the importance of take care of your skinnot only for aesthetic reasons, but also for his health.

Links between microbes and cancers already established

Indeed, this is not the first time that Relationships between microbes and cancers are observed. The study cites in particular the yeast Candida albicans, as a factor encouraging oral cancers.

In recent years, a study by the American Association for Cancer Research has implicated a bacterium present in the gums in pancreatic cancer. Another source establishes the role of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the development of stomach cancer. The bacterium at the origin of dental plaque, for its part, would worsen cases of colon cancer. Finally, the papillomavirus is known to be a important factor in cancers in women.



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