“It’s constant monitoring”: Luc helping his father with Alzheimer’s and his senile mother – LINFO.re

“It’s constant monitoring”: Luc helping his father with Alzheimer’s and his senile mother – LINFO.re
“It’s constant monitoring”: Luc helping his father with Alzheimer’s and his senile mother – LINFO.re

This Saturday, September 21, marks World Alzheimer’s Day. In Island, there are 10,000 reported cases. This situation is also a challenge for relatives who find themselves caring. This is the case for Luc, 64, living in Avirons. His father was declared to have Alzheimer’s and his mother is senile.

It’s been 10 years now since Luc’s father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The loss of bearings was a first warning.My father was an Air Force officer, he gave directions on the flight plans of military aircraft. Once he retired, at 47, he didn’t want to move anymore. Just like my mother, who didn’t work. When I invited him home, he got lost. He was unable to come to my house. That’s when I began to understand.”says Luc.

Three years ago, his father, 92, and his mother, 89, arrived in Reunion and since then Luc has taken care of them every day.

“Fortunately, we are very well supported here, especially with the Department’s assistance. I had 110 hours of home help per month.” This help with daily life also allows him to have time for himself, otherwise it “would be extremely complicated. These are people who are permanently delirious. They no longer have any awareness of human life. Seeing your parents deteriorate is not easy…”

If his father could be diagnosed, his mother has not yet been able to be. Indeed, this requires an MRI scan but the octogenarian has a pacemaker; this is not compatible with these examinations, it would take a whole organization to remove it – and find someone to monitor Luc’s father in case of intervention.She has already shown some signs but she still has some mobility and some notions; she talks to me about her memories. Dad doesn’t recognize me at all anymore.”

Time, love and personal investment

To be able to accommodate his parents, Luc had to adapt his home by installing, for example, gates, cameras, adapted beds. Or adapt his bathroom by not putting in any steps. And this to protect his parents. This therefore requires a certain investment. As Luc points out, there is help available for carers. Families can turn to the Department or even associations.Their diapers need to be changed 3-4 times a day, and they can be found standing in the middle of the night because they can switch between day and night…“Everyday actions that seem simple and intuitive to us can be impossible for people with Alzheimer’s. Like eating alone or going to the toilet.

“Alzheimer’s is a deterioration of neurons, on the one hand cognitive, and they are weak on immune defenses. Every 3-4 months for example I take my dad to the university hospital in case of infections”he continues.

Luc also wants to send a message to people who find themselves in the same situation as caregivers for people with this disease: “There are a lot of associations that help carers, and also patients. You must not stay alone, not isolate yourself, be well surrounded. It would be unmanageable without help.”.

As Luc is keen to point out, “It was my duty to take care of it, I will go all the way.”

Find Luc’s testimony in this Saturday’s newspaper.



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