These yogurts loved by the French are the worst of all for your health, according to 60 Million Consumers

These yogurts loved by the French are the worst of all for your health, according to 60 Million Consumers
These yogurts loved by the French are the worst of all for your health, according to 60 Million Consumers
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Faced with the plethora of products available on the market, the French do not always know how to make the best choice. 60 million consumers is careful to reveal the items that are good or bad for health. If you are used to eating yogurt, pay attention to this one in particular!

How to choose the right yogurt according to 60 million consumers?

60 million consumers never miss an opportunity to study the products on the market. And recently, its experts have looked into the issue of yogurts. These dairy products cover the shelves of our supermarkets and are available in various varietiesThe organization therefore ensures that we are advised on how to choose well.

60 million consumers recommends for example check the components yogurts before buying them. This includes, for example, the carbohydrate content of the latter. Reading the label carefully allows you to know if it contains too much sugar or even harmful additives. Essential information to find the best yogurt to consume.

The choice of yogurt must be different every time according to health experts and nutritionists. Since there are several varieties, you have the opportunity to enjoy many benefits. Especially since the benefits of these products vary from one type to another. But above all, you must be careful not to take the wrong products at the risk of harming your health!

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These 2 types of yogurt are dangerous!

The first yogurt not to consume according to 60 million consumers is none other than the one with fruits ! Many of us opt for these products thinking that they improve our health. However, their fruit content is not the same as if you were eating a yogurt and a fruit separately. Especially since the composition of this product is not as harmless as that!

Please also note that these yogurts generally contain a high sugar content. A fact that the consumer association deplores since it impacts health. As for the fruits, their nutrients are no longer the same in this product. As they are not fresh, the contribution is less interesting!

On the other hand, 60 million consumers also recommendavoid 0% yogurtsThe “light” promise hides other elements in the product, which can be dangerous for health. In particular, it contains sweeteners that should not be neglected.

What are the best products according to 60 million consumers?

While there are yogurts that are dangerous to health, some varieties only bring benefits. 60 million consumers recommend, for example, favoring Greek yogurts, natural milk pearls, fjord or even la laitière.

To vary the pleasures, nutrition experts recommend flavoring your yogurts yourself. You can add pieces of fresh fruit or even almond bits. In addition to being healthier, this will allow you to integrate it more easily into your diet. An advantage not to be overlooked if you are a fan of this particular dairy product!

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