Energy management solutions dedicated to healthcare facilities to reduce costs

Energy management solutions dedicated to healthcare facilities to reduce costs
Energy management solutions dedicated to healthcare facilities to reduce costs

Faced with these challenges, solutions exist for healthcare establishments. Schneider Electric has in fact expanded its range for small and medium-sized buildings, including measurement and control solutions that are easy to install, maintain and operate. Two key solutions are already available. EcoStruxure™ Building Activate is an innovative energy management solution for measuring energy consumption, controlling usage, supervising and assessing the carbon footprint. Compliant with the BACS decree and the tertiary decree, it costs 70% less than a traditional building management system. Two years are enough to make it profitable. EcoStruxure™ Energy Hub is software for collecting, storing and viewing performance data from a healthcare establishment. Easy to make profitable, it is used to supervise various uses from the electrical panel and offers substantial savings. Among other achievements, a clinic in the region chose this software. The management of the clinic wanted to access its energy consumption and the distribution of uses within the establishment. This made it possible to re-invoice energy costs to third-party services (medical imaging, etc.). The return on investment lasted only a few months.

Healthcare facilities therefore have everything to gain by adopting these digital solutions. Not only do you improve the comfort and quality of care for your patients, but you also offer your staff a more efficient working environment, while reducing your operating costs and your environmental impact. Download our guide, contact our experts and make the decision today to sustainably transform your facility.



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