an orientation rally for cancer screening

an orientation rally for cancer screening
an orientation rally for cancer screening

Sunday, September 15, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., at the Domaine de Candé, the Oncology and Radiotherapy Center of Indre-et- (Cort 37), created in 2009, organized a “Rand’orientation”, with the aim of raising awareness among the general public about cancer screening. Around forty participants had registered for this three-kilometer walking rally, visiting five stands.

The two stands of the League against Cancer gave advice on the one hand on nutrition, in particular on the contents of a balanced plate (a quarter of starchy foods, a quarter of proteins and a half of vegetables) and on the other hand, on the risks of exposure to the sun.

Get informed and prevent

A stand addressed breast cancer (screening and treatment of melanoma) with a self-palpation bust. The Indre-et-Loire Screening Coordination Center informed that only 57% of people participated in breast cancer screening in Indre-et-Loire. And finally, participants could discuss the benefits of thermalism.

“This one-hour hike, open to all, aimed to encourage participants to learn about the types of cancer and prevention approaches,” commented Laura Touraine, communications manager for Cort 37. Various documents were given to the participants. “The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the chances of cure.”



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