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“We pay for the chef’s notoriety”: Why is Signature, Philippe Etchebest’s new restaurant, facing criticism?

I am delighted to be able to offer another style of cuisine. That’s what I like: working on taste in all its forms.” These are the words of Philippe Etchebest written to present his new restaurant named Signature. A place located in stronghold of Meilleur Ouvrier de , and which offers street food with beautiful ravioli as a base. All for a reasonable price, 19.50 euros for the ravioli + dessert formula.

At the star of Top Chef which presents this evening a new issue of Nightmare in the kitchen therefore opened a third table after the Fourth Wall et New House. A new success which will again bring him big. But now, some customers are not completely satisfied with its new culinary offering.

Looking closely at the newspaper Google on Signaturesome criticisms emerge. A certain Kevin, for example, gave the chef two stars out of five with the following review: “Frankly nothing exceptional considering the price, we are surely paying for the chef’s reputation.“And to continue:”In addition, I went to eat again on the way out because it wasn’t very filling. The novelty effect will quickly wear off, I think.“Virginie also did not leave very satisfied:”A little disappointed not to find the quality of the ravioli served At the Fourth Wall. Additionally I found a piece of plastic in my vegetarian ravioli.“But for her,”This is the opening, so certainly still adjustments to be made.

Another Internet user, Antoine, rather talks about the restaurant’s opening hours. “Unfortunately, I got off work a little late, but I still managed to arrive there at 9:29 p.m. Which doesn’t stop me from being told by the Mr at reception: ‘sorry, we no longer serve from 9:30 p.m.’ Hey, Philippe, you might have to tell your colleagues to go work at the post office rather than work in the restaurant business.“, he says bitterly.

Despite the criticism Signature delights the taste buds

We know, there will always be critics but Philippe Etchebest’s new restaurant will never end up in Nightmare in the kitchen because many gourmets still enjoyed themselves and appreciate this address with more financially accessible services.

Like Jordan who recommends this place without hesitation: “The service was fast and attentive, and the restaurant’s friendly and warm atmosphere made the experience even more pleasant. If you are a ravioli lover, I highly recommend this place! You will not be disappointed.“For her part, Chloé adds: “Great meal! The place is elegant and refined. The staff is very friendly. I highly recommend! The portions may seem small but it’s more than enough for me.

Chez Purepeoplewe think we should follow Chloé’s advice because, in fact, it’s impossible to know what it is without forming your own idea. In any case, despite the reviews, we can’t wait to go!


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