DayFR Euro

Francis Lalanne leaves for Greenland to support Paul Watson: “All artists must mobilize”

Forty-one hour journey. Two stops. Francis Lalanne goes to the Far North, to Nuuk. It is in the prison of this small town, the capital of Greenland, that the activist Paul Watson, defender of seals and whales, has been incarcerated since the end of July. Arrested by local police at the request of Tokyo, which accuses him of endangering Japanese whale hunters, the head of the pirate-flag NGO Sea Shepherd Origins is awaiting his third hearing this Wednesday, October 2. He is especially waiting to know if he will be extradited to Japan.

We reach Francis Lalanne just before he boards his first plane. The controversial singer for his proximity to Dieudonné and his outrageous positions during Covid recognizes: “I am surely better listened to in Greenland than in , where some no longer want to be with me in the photo”. In this territory which depends on the Danish crown, he enjoyed success with the title “Suli Avunga” ten years ago. On site, he must also meet the singer Tuperna Kruse with whom he had recorded this duet.


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