“Koh-Lanta: the cursed tribe” on TF1: “I’m a bit like the Trojan horse who infiltrated the ex-reds”

“Koh-Lanta: the cursed tribe” on TF1: “I’m a bit like the Trojan horse who infiltrated the ex-reds”
“Koh-Lanta: the cursed tribe” on TF1: “I’m a bit like the Trojan horse who infiltrated the ex-reds”

“It makes me happy to find people who like to eat! » For some, reunification is good in “Koh-Lanta: the cursed tribe” on TF1. This is the case of Gustin, the tough Swiss guy who has suffered enormously from hunger since the start of the adventure and is still angry with his teammates on the red team for having rationed the portions too much until now.

Now that the 14 candidates still in the race form the white tribe, the meals are a little more abundant. Especially since Thibault, a Corsican farmer and ex-yellow, enjoys the harpoon to which he now has access and proves to be an extremely good fisherman.

The obstacle course won by Gustin

In the program broadcast this October 8, on the 20th day of this edition, strategy is at the heart of many concerns. Particularly among the ex-yellows who play a nice comedy with the former reds. They thus claim to be open to alliances with the opposing side when in reality this is not the case.

Like Ilyesse who assures Maxim: “I don’t mind taking Jacques out. On the contrary, it can be beneficial. » The dancer Jacques is also one of the key pieces of this stratagem thought up by Frédéric’s team. He gets particularly close to red women. “For the ex-yellows, I’m a bit like the Trojan horse who infiltrated the ex-reds, and that’s great! »

Despite this little lying poker game, the only way to be untouchable is to win the immunity test. This Tuesday was the legendary obstacle course. The six women first competed over the 8 obstacles and it was the young Cassandre who won.

Then, among the men, Ilyesse was almost the entire race in the lead before being overtaken on the penultimate obstacle by Gustin. He achieved a feat by crossing a large part of the suspended ropes standing up, where all the others were in a horizontal position. A first in “Koh-Lanta” as noted by host Denis Brogniart.

In a final duel consisting of blindly removing a statuette from a maze, Gustin largely gained the upper hand over his accomplice Cassandra and therefore won the first individual immunity totem of the season.

For the vote, the old colors persist

Then, the adventurers agreed according to their old colors to vote in unison on each side. Among the former yellows, the only two women, Sophia and Charlotte, considered the possibility of not voting against Sarah, like their male comrades, not yet wanting to target a woman. But their report cards still did well for her on the council.

Among the reds, the women are always very angry with Gustin, who spends a lot of time napping outside of the events. But his immunity postpones a possible rebellion within the tribe.

Before leaving for the elimination meeting, the ex-yellow Fabrice did not feel in danger. “I don’t think my place is at stake tonight since I am not a strategic element who could put a stone in the shoe of any individual or group or alliance. So this evening, I’m going there peacefully. » Bad luck, it was him that the former Reds targeted.

After an initial tie of votes at seven against Sarah and seven against Fabrice, all participants voted again for the same result. It was therefore by drawing lots that the elimination was decided, for only the seventh time in the history of the game in . The director of an equestrian center came across the black ball and had to leave the adventure, joining Emmanuelle in the residence of the final jury. He left with his head held high.

On the other hand, Sarah could not contain her tears, not understanding certain votes against them, notably that of Jacques. She accused him of having lied to her face, which the main person denied. In the end, even if the former reds are now in numerical superiority, Fabrice entrusted his black vote to Thibault, who will therefore have two ballots at the next council. Enough to prolong the suspense.



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