“It’s dead calm!” Béatrice Dalle single, she confides in the reasons why she can’t find love again

“It’s dead calm!” Béatrice Dalle single, she confides in the reasons why she can’t find love again
“It’s dead calm!” Béatrice Dalle single, she confides in the reasons why she can’t find love again

While promoting Disturbing disappearancebroadcast this Monday, October 7 and in which she plays the leading role, Béatrice Dalle took stock of her romantic situation. And as the expression goes: it’s complicated!

One of the reasons why the French public likes Béatrice Dallethat’s his outspokenness. And the actress once again demonstrated this by promoting Disturbing disappearancebroadcast this Monday, October 7 (our opinion) and available on france.tv, in which she plays the leading role. Whether in the interview she gave to Télé-Loisirs, or on the set of Quelle époque!, the ex of Joeystarr amuses with her sharp repartees and her answers without any tongue in cheek. Especially when she talks about her love life.

It’s dead calm!“Béatrice Dalle confides in her celibacy, and the reasons why she cannot find love again

So, Léa Salamé asked her where she was in terms of her heart. And Béatrice Dalle responds straight away: “It’s dead calm!“. The actress explains: “I like solitude, and I don’t feel alone. I spend my nights with the authors and poets I love, and for the moment I haven’t found a guy who brings me more than them.” And added: “Even the men I love are dead!“Léa Salamé then specifies:”It’s true that you are in love with Kurt Cobainyou are his official widow, and then there is Jesus too, but he is taken!“Béatrice Dalle then responds, amused: “I wonder how we’re not all Catholic, the whole planet, when we see how hot he is!

20 years later, I absolutely don’t give a damn about what he does“: Béatrice Dalle talks about her clash with PPDA in 1992

The opportunity also in this confessional interview to return to the famous cult sequence in which Béatrice Dalle sends Patrick Poivre d’Arvor back into her net, “He acted badly, spoke badly, that’s why I reacted“. Léa Salamé then shows the famous cult sequence and, at the end of the tape, the whole set applauds the actress. “Even François Mitterrand called me to congratulate me that day!” she says. “Some time ago, when he had problems, I was called to talk about it, I refused. It was at that time, and 20 years later I absolutely don’t give a damn about what he does, I don’t wish him anything bad anyway. It’s in the moment, you speak badly to me, and then I move on. I prefer to take my time with people I love“. Et Roman Kolinkathe son of Marie Trintignant with whom she shares the poster of Disturbing disappearanceto confirm: “Beatrice is like that, and she is not resentful at all. Once she has said things, then it’s over, it’s over, and we can have a coffee together.”



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