former Prime Minister Boris Johnson settles scores with Emmanuel Macron

This Monday, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made fun of the French president whom he describes as “a real nuisance”, according to extracts from his memoirs published in the Daily Mail.

Between declaration and revelations, Boris Johnson does not mince his words. His memoirs having been published this Monday, the former British Prime Minister took the liberty of fiercely criticizing Emmanuel Macron by describing him as “a real nuisance”.

The former British Conservative leader published “Unleashed” on October 10, in which he recounts his experience in politics. Through his writings, Boris Johnson talks about his experiences, including his time at Downing Street from 2019 to 2022, but also his negotiations with the European Union on Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic. “Although Macron was personally charming, and although we often agreed on important issues, he really meant what he said when he said the UK should be punished. On certain subjects, I fear I suspected him of being a real nuisance.”

Significant tension

In his memoirs, the former British Prime Minister criticizes Emmanuel Macron in particular for his attitude in the thorny issue of migrants who illegally cross the Channel to reach the United Kingdom from , a very sensitive subject on the British side.

In addition, the Covid-19 epidemic seems to have marked a split between the two men. Indeed, it evokes the anger of the French president when the British AstraZeneca developed one of the first vaccines against Covid-19. He also congratulates himself on having caused France to suffer a setback by concluding a defense alliance with the United States and Australia which derailed a multi-billion euro agreement between and Canberra.



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