A creator modifies Halo Infinite with the graphics maxed out, and it’s beautiful! | Xbox

A creator modifies Halo Infinite with the graphics maxed out, and it’s beautiful! | Xbox
A creator modifies Halo Infinite with the graphics maxed out, and it’s beautiful! | Xbox

Almost three years after its release, Halo Infinite has almost completely disappeared from screens, much to the dismay of fans of the franchise. However, the title can still surprise us, and in particular with its graphics, as shown today in the XLR8 video.

Halo Infinite can be splendid!

If we all remember the disappointment caused by the first gameplay demo of the game, the YouTuber today shows that the game, and especially the Slipspace Engine, have something under its belt since with “a combination of modifications to the engine and additions of third-party Nvidia drivers”, it is possible to make the game look much better.

In the video below, we can indeed see the title in its best light, with impressive graphic quality. It is particularly the reflections on the different surfaces, combined with the management of light, which contribute to the beauty of the game. Some scenes are frankly magnificent.

The multiplayer map Prismintroduced a little over a year ago with season 5, is notably enhanced by these different effects on the multiple purple crystals scattered everywhere.

The technique for running Halo Infinite as in the video has not been revealed, but we know in any case that no mod was used here. Above all, the creator pushed the engine to its limits by making the most of anti-aliasing and with 8K resolution.

Remember that Halo Infinite is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC as well as in Xbox Game Pass. Don’t hesitate to give us your opinion on this video in the comments, and tell us if you are still playing the game. Despite a disappointing campaign, the multiplayer seems to benefit from a good follow-up and this video could well make you want to dive back in in action.



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