“We must be united with a credible and bold line,” said François Hollande in Aude at the Rencontres de la gauche

“We must be united with a credible and bold line,” said François Hollande in Aude at the Rencontres de la gauche
“We must be united with a credible and bold line,” said François Hollande in Aude at the Rencontres de la gauche

Present during the 4th edition of the Rencontres de la gauche, this Saturday September 28 in Bram, the former President of the Republic, François Hollande, returned to his differences with Jean-Luc Mélenchon before discussing the space he remains with this so-called left of government.

We see that these are the Rencontres de la gauche in Bram, a left that wants to find an alternative to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. However, some representatives of the Socialist Party are missing, such as Olivier Faure. What will happen next for the party?

The left must be an alternative to the right and the extreme right. To achieve this, it must be united and have a line that can be credible and bold in order to convince the left but also beyond. It is for this reason that in Bram, there are many personalities who have come together, not against but for. It is through a great Socialist Party that alternation, as always in our history, will be made possible. If there has been a profound change in it is because François Mitterand had understood this in 1981, that Lionel Jospin continued and that I was elected. There was this force to unite and have a line that could unite and win back.

Also read:
In Bram, how social democracy wants to find its political space and win back its former voters

What is this line that you want to embody? We have the impression that you are caught in a vice by the line of La France insoumise and that of the National Rally?

First, there is no longer a center. We have a right-wing government supported by the far right. This will compromise them, but also those who support them. And then, there are all those who voted on the left, particularly through the New Popular Front, who can recognize themselves, not necessarily in the PS which is not intended to take up all the space, but which can take a large part . We can attract voters who had made choices since 2017, which were not necessarily the ones we could imagine at the time with the left-right divide. There remains a large space, left to conquer it.



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