Bad weather returns to Campania and orange alert is triggered

Bad weather returns to Campania and orange alert is triggered

(photo from Imagoeconomica)

The Civil Protection of the Campania Regionconsidering the weather conditions that will bring sudden, rapid thunderstorms, even of strong intensity, has issued an Orange level weather alert valid from midnight and for the whole day tomorrow throughout the territory with the exception of zones 4 (Alta Irpinia and Sannio), 7 (Tanagro) and 8 (Basso Cilento)where the level of hydrogeological criticality is Yellow. “Scattered or widespread rainfall is expected, mainly in the form of showers or thunderstorms, locally of moderate or strong intensity” and a consequent risk deriving from the impact on the territory of the expected phenomena with possible “Slope instability, locally even deep, superficial landslides and rapid debris or mud flows; significant surface runoff, also with transport of material, possible sinkholes due to erosion phenomena. Flooding of underground and ground-floor rooms is also expected; rise in the hydrometric levels of watercourses, with flooding of surrounding areas, also due to local criticalities (culverts, narrowings, occlusions); surface flow of water in the streets and possible phenomena of backflow of rainwater with overflow and involvement of depressed urban areas; occasional landslides and possible rockfalls due to fragile hydrogeological conditions and the consequences of forest fires”. The perturbation, informs the Civil Protection, will initially affect the northern quadrants of the region (where the storms will be easing from tomorrow afternoon). Temporarily strong winds with gusts and locally rough seas are also expected. The competent authorities are recommended to activate the Coc (Municipal Operations Centers) and to implement all measures to prevent, combat and mitigate the expected phenomena. Pay particular attention to the territories already affected by the bad weather of August 27. Also monitor public green spaces and structures exposed to the stress of winds and wave motion.

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