The “marches against Macron’s coup”, a step in LFI’s strategy – Libération

The “marches against Macron’s coup”, a step in LFI’s strategy – Libération


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Several left-wing organizations and parties, including La France Insoumise, are calling for a demonstration against the President this Saturday. For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, this is a first step towards the early presidential election that he wants to impose on the head of state.

Still childish in appearance, Manès Nadel already speaks like a politician. “If Macron does not submit to the popular vote, it is up to us to take to the streets. It is in this sense that with the Student Union we have called for a large mobilization”explained the young president of the Union syndicale lycéenne on Thursday, just before the announcement of Michel Barnier’s nomination. “March against Macron’s coup” organized on Saturday, September 7, at the initiative of youth organizations, with the support of France Insoumise, retains all its meaning with the arrival of a member of the Les Républicain party at Matignon, who will have to count on the non-censorship of the National Rally. “The election was stolen from the French people”denounced Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Thursday, calling “to the most powerful mobilization possible.” Unlike the Greens and the Communists, the Socialists decided not to participate. “I don’t think that power will be regained through the streets”explained the first secretary of the PS,


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