Our ranking of astrological signs from most to least hypocritical

Our ranking of astrological signs from most to least hypocritical

Is your motto “do as I say, not as I do”? Maybe your astrological sign is on the high end of this list of the most hypocrites.

Since they won’t come forward of their own free will anyway, we take on the responsibility of exposing the professionals of hypocrisy within the zodiac. Because, after all, astrological signs are not people and you are not your astrological sign. So deep down, we only upset stars. Call it hypocrisy or bad faith, we leave it to the stars.

Read also >> Which astrological signs are the champions of bad faith?

1. Gemini voted most hypocritical

If Katy Perry’s “Hot n’ Cold” is in the top ten of our Gemini playlist, it’s a sign. Their propensity to tell you the opposite of what they think (and vice versa) is a gift. In their defense: they think faster than everyone else and have changed their perspective on a situation three times in a single conversation. Obviously, from the outside, it looks like hypocrisy.

2. The Balance

If she pretends to like you or be interested in that local mini-golf tournament, it’s primarily because her need to keep the conversation peaceful and harmonious is very sincere.

3. The Fish

If you’re wondering what these good and gentle Pisces are doing so high in this ranking, ask instead about their ability to turn a blind eye. The fin sign is one of the champions of bad faith in the zodiac since it manages to be…

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