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In Séné, governance crisis at the Sailing and Heritage Association of the Gulf of Morbihan

Saturday January 18, the general assembly of the Sailing and Heritage Association of the Gulf of Morbihan

(VPGM) was held in the Limur hall, with a start delayed by uncertainty over speaking.

After the resignation in June of President Cyrille Hervé, it was Vice-President Chantal Jallu who took over in the interim. Finally, the former president agreed to speak, opening the AGM with a minute of silence in tribute to two missing members, Pierre the fisherman and Dominique Rousselot.

Concerns about volunteer mobilization

The association, with 89 members, including nine associations, is under tension regarding the project to host the Atlantic Challenge International in 2026. Members have expressed concerns about the mobilization of the necessary volunteers, the context and the impact possible subsidies and organizational difficulties, accentuated by the aging of members.

The former president regretted that the refusal of the project was not clearly expressed during the previous AGM and denounced his exclusion from the discussions leading to this decision. He also highlighted the lack of commitment from opponents, with no candidate wanting to take the presidency.


The contribution increases to €40

The 2024 moral report was narrowly adopted, while the financial report was unanimously approved, despite a deficit of €2,190. An increase in the contribution to €40 is voted. As a sign of gratitude, the members involved in boat restoration thanked Monique Debailleux for her weekly cakes. The assembly also welcomed Chantal Jallu for her interim presidency.

The usual projects will be continued in 2026, including Gulf Week, the Trois Rivières Trophy, the outing to Glénans, training for Ploërmel high school students, etc.


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