Michel Barnier mentions an improvement, who could benefit from it?

Michel Barnier mentions an improvement, who could benefit from it?

No major changes, but rather relaxations. Interviewed on TF1 on Friday, September 6, Michel Barnier specified that he will speak to the National Assembly and the Senate in the coming weeks on the issue of the 2023 pension reform, the main measure of which is to raise the legal age from 62 to 64. “I will open the debate on improving this law for the most vulnerable people. I will do it with the social partners,” announced the new Prime Minister. Although he did not clearly state that he would not touch the 64-year-old, he did confirm it half-heartedly. “I want to initiate an improvement on this subject (the pension reform, Editor’s note) but while respecting the budgetary framework,” he promised.

For their part, several unions have already confirmed that they will take advantage of this open door to go to Matignon. “If these are cosmetic measures that are proposed to spruce up a reform and without being able to talk about everything, for us it’s no, warns Dominique Corona, deputy general secretary of the UNSA. For us, the most unfair measure is the postponement of the legal age. We must therefore be able to address the question of resources and expenditure.” The same tone from the CFDT. “If we say ‘we are reopening the discussions’, at the very least we are suspending the reform, estimated its general secretary Marylise Léon, Sunday September 8 on France Inter. It will be argument against argument, that we demonstrate that it is a reform (…)

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