This gesture that everyone does on a bike can cost 135 euros fine

When cycling, there is a simple gesture that most cyclists do. However, be aware that this can cost you 135 euros in fines!

There are more and more cars on the roads. And this is not to the taste of certain cities which are therefore doing their best to encourage users to favor cycling. This means of transport has already attracted some French people.

A Highway Code to respect when cycling

The bicycle is a means of transport that is increasingly used in everyday life. And for good reason, it saves a lot of time in cities where traffic jams are present at all times of the day.

In big cities, many French people decide to take their bike to get to work, to go shopping or even to carry out activities of daily living.

In addition, it is a means of transport which, in addition to being very ecological, is very economical. This is because you don’t need to spend a single penny to make your two-wheeler work.

And for good reason, the bike does not need fuel or electricity. A real money saver on a daily basis. On the other hand, it is important to point out that, even if you use this means of transport, there are very specific rules to follow.

Indeed, cyclists must also respect the Highway Code. Like motorists, they must respect the signs and traffic lights. But that’s not all. There is another rule they must not break.

A gesture to be avoided

As said previously, many French people take their bike every morning. And to make the journey go faster, some do not hesitate to carry out a very simple gesture which allows them to lock themselves in their bubble.

Before getting on their bike, some cyclists put their helmet or earphones on their ears. And the least we can say is that this is a playlist that should be avoided at all costs.

This is a rule that has also emerged for all people who use their car. This is a condition that does not escape all cyclists either. These latter must also comply with this famous law.

Putting your headphones on your bike still allows many people to enjoy their favorite music. This also allows them to listen to a podcast or follow the news.

But during this time, they no longer hear any noise pollution from traffic on the road. Thus, they are no longer at all focused on their environment, which represents a real danger for their lives.

A heavy fine

Since July 1, 2015, all drivers are prohibited from wearing headphones or earphones. Whether they take the car, the motorbike or the bicycle, users must above all not cut themselves off from their environment.

Thus, this habit adopted by cyclists remains completely prohibited on the road. It is a law which was also created in order to protect all drivers. This also allows them to stay focused on the road.

Cyclists who do not respect this rule then risk paying a very heavy fine. In fact, the latter amounts to 135 euros. One thing is certain, it is quite a high cost.

This is why, if you are used to wearing a helmet or earphones on your bike, you should stop immediately.

Victoria Bernard

Graduated from a major journalism school and I also have a diploma in aperitif preparation. I love writing and especially for Tuxboard, the team is really great and the subjects are very varied even if I prefer to write about the media and also fashion trends!



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