Guingamp-Paimpol agglomeration gives pride of place to cycling and trail running

Guingamp-Paimpol agglomeration gives pride of place to cycling and trail running
Guingamp-Paimpol agglomeration gives pride of place to cycling and trail running

The questioning of community councillors, announced in the run-up to the meeting by President Vincent Le on the subject of the Guingamp hospital, did not take place even though the debate seems far from over. On Tuesday evening, there was no controversy, but an agreement on all the deliberations on the agenda, all unanimously validated.

The territorial food plan in its phase 2

Among these, the adoption of phase 2 of the Territorial Food Plan (PAT) was a formality. The rapporteur, François Prigent, stressed that “in our proposals, we want to promote the development of our farms, support agro-environmental performance, the well-being of farmers and the structuring of food sectors by developing logistics solutions adapted to local flows.” Logistics in which the Esatco of Plouisy will be a stakeholder. “The first stone of the new vegetable garden of the Esatco was laid today,” adds Rémy Guillou, the mayor of Plouisy. Concerning the budget for part 2 of the PAT, of the €400,500 voted over 5 years, €240,000 is devoted to financing a full-time position.

Social housing: rehabilitation and creation

The council approved the payment of two subsidies, one of €6,500, requested by Armorique Habitat for the construction of four housing units in Plouëc-du-Trieux and the other of €16,600 for the rehabilitation (thermal renovation) of 16 housing units in Belle-Isle-en-Terre, carried out by Terres d’Armor Habitat. Philippe Le Goff expressed a “pious wish” on this subject: It would be desirable that, when we give this type of subsidy, we have a guarantee from social landlords that they will not increase, at the same time, the tenants’ rent.”

Cycle routes and trails: natural, sporting and tourist attractions

Presented by Josette Conan, the project to create a cycle route, linking Ploubazlanec to Carhaix, occupied part of the council and united the elected officials around its interest. This 139 km route will cross 29 municipalities, 27 of which are in the GPA territory and two in the Poher community territory. The related budget is estimated at €134,105 excluding tax (with aid from the Region of €65,810). More than just a cycle route, this cycle route meets the Agglo’s ambition to “develop low-carbon leisure and sports activities while spreading the flow to send tourist customers to small inland municipalities that also have gems to discover.”

If cyclists are well served, so will trailers. Vincent Le Meaux has, in fact, jointly announced that GPA is working on the construction of a circuit of the Argoat trails, notably “on the eastern side of the canton of Callac, in the Briacin sector.”

The application for the EAC label is unanimous

The elected officials also validated the agglomeration’s application for the 100% EAC (artistic and cultural education) label. “At the national level, there are 1,254 EPCI (Public Intercommunal Cooperation Establishment) and only 150 have this label, I hope we will be the 151st”, comments Josette Conan, detailing the aspects of the GPA file. An application welcomed in particular by the mayor of Guingamp and that of Pontrieux, Samuel Le Gaouyat: “I can only welcome this deliberation which crowns years of work. We must not consider this application as a point of arrival but a starting point because the EAC is the foundation of a society that lives and a serene society”.



NEXT Tours: Jasper Philipsen among the names announced at the start on Sunday