“I am one of the two”: this Sunday, September 22, a demonstration for truly cycle-friendly cities

“I am one of the two”: this Sunday, September 22, a demonstration for truly cycle-friendly cities
“I am one of the two”: this Sunday, September 22, a demonstration for truly cycle-friendly cities

The cyclists’ parade will take place on Sunday, September 22, starting at 2:30 p.m. Meet on the Esplanade.

Since 2018 and the emergence of the “I am one of the two” movement, the ritual has remained unchanged. As the summer heat gives way to the clouds of autumn, cyclists gather to parade through . In 2019, a historic year, there were 2,600 people from the Comédie to the Hôtel de VilleSince then, they have always made protest rhyme with celebration.

Thirty convergences around Montpellier

Over the years, groups have formed in the surrounding neighborhoods and towns to reach the heart of Montpellier. This Sunday, September 22, will be no exception to the rule. From Sète to Saint-Mathieu-de-Tréviers, via Saint-Drézéry and Mauguio, around thirty convergences will be recorded in neighboring towns. Objective: reach the Charles de Gaulle esplanade at 2:30 p.m. “Being numerous guarantees that we can ride safelyobserves Hélène Quillaud, vice-president of Vélocité. But doing the same route alone can be much more complicated.”

“Almost safe”

“The cycling community remains dissatisfied with what has been achieved. This year, we developed the theme of almost. We can almost go to school by bike, without cars parked on the cycle path, or almost feel safe on an almost continuous cycle ring.”

This Sunday, the route, which is safe for families with children, will use facilities that are either praised or criticized by Vélocité, depending on the location. The festive and joyful side will not be forgotten, with costumes and sound and light displays being welcome. On arrival, refreshments and food will await participants, with the atmosphere provided by the Mixeuses Solidaires.



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