“I’m quitting”, De Bruyne raises fears of the end of his international career

“I’m quitting”, De Bruyne raises fears of the end of his international career

Belgian football is holding its breath after these devilish Frenchmen won again (2-0) over the national team, this Monday, in Décines, in the League of Nations, and this for the fifth consecutive time, all competitions combined.

Les Bleus have continued to torment Belgium and its captain, Kevin De Bruyne, since that famous 2018 World Cup semi-final which has long stuck in the craw of our neighbours.

Was this new setback against the French team experienced as one humiliation too many for the country’s star? The Belgian press fears so, and is asking the question this Tuesday morning.

“I quit”

Kevin De Bruyne appeared dejected after the match, helpless, without a solution, powerless. Furious with the team’s overall performance, the Manchester City player directed his anger and vented his wrath on his teammates, using very harsh words that the Belgian press was not used to coming from him.

But it was above all his attitude and the feeling he expressed to a departing technical director (editor’s note: his contract will not be extended), Franky Vercauteren, on the edge of the pitch, which caught the attention of the press, as if he wanted to give up everything.

From this exchange away from the cameras, but close enough to be interpreted, our Belgian colleagues believed they could make out an “Ik Stop” (“I stop”) coming from the mouth of Kevin De Bruyne, words that the latter would have repeated to Franky Vercauteren.

German is said to be serene

The Red Devils captain considered ending his international career after Belgium’s elimination in the last 16 of the Euro, disappointed with the team’s performances. Then, after a necessary period of reflection, he ended up retracting his decision, to re-enlist until 2026, determined to wipe the slate clean.

“I prefer to focus on the future,” he assured again last week.

Would the defeat against the French team make him reconsider his recent positions? Domenico Tedesco does not believe so.

“Do I fear that he will announce his international retirement? No,” said the Belgium coach. “We don’t talk about that kind of thing. He feels a lot of emotions, it’s human. You have to understand that after this match, especially after our start, coming away with zero points is hard to take. Kevin De Bruyne is a winner, he has that mentality. He is emotional and disappointed, that’s why sometimes you can say that, yes.” So, empty words or a deliberate desire to drop everything?

- RMC Sport


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