Zhegrova and two teammates excluded from selection for non-compliance with rules

It’s a decision that leaves a mark on Edon Zhegrova’s excellent start to the season. Decisive with LOSC, both in the league (one goal) and especially in the Champions League play-offs (three goals in four games), the 25-year-old player joined the Kosovar selection to play two Nations League games during this international break.

A starter on Friday during the heavy defeat against Romania (0-3), the Lille player will not play the next match against Cyprus on Monday (6 p.m.) since he was excluded from the selection, the Federation announced this Sunday. “By joint decision of the coach Franco Foda and the FFK, the three footballers Arjanet Muric, Edon Zhegrova and Florent Muslija left the national team gathering, for violation of the national team regulations established by the coach and the Federation,” the press release states.

Was a nightclub trip the reason for the decision?

In parallel, the FFK executive committee “will decide on additional measures against the footballers concerned”, who could therefore be sanctioned in a second phase. According to the Kosovar television channel Kanal10, the three players went out to a nightclub and returned after the curfew.

- RMC Sport


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