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– It is possible to see the epidemic phase last until March.
It never hurts to be overly cautious. While many hospitals are under pressure in the face of a surge in flu cases, the vaccination campaign is still in progress. And it is precisely this vaccine that saves you a stay in hospital. “There is always time to get vaccinated!”insists Vincent Enouf, with Our Time. In fact, the campaign only ends January 31, 2025, you therefore have three weeks left to protect yourself. In 2024, the vaccination campaign was extended until February 29, a possibility which could take shape this year.
While it remains difficult to make predictions about the evolution of the epidemic, it generally lasts between eight and eleven weeks. As it started during the Christmas period, it is possible to see the epidemic phase last until March. “We do not know if the epidemic has already reached its peak and if there will not be a second wave, this time with the type B virus in the majority”confides Vincent Enouf, recalling that vaccination is essential. If you get vaccinated today, even if infections with type B flu peak, you would still be protected.
-The flu epidemic is gaining ground: which regions are most affected?
You can get vaccinated against the flu and Covid-19 at the same time
If you have the good idea to get vaccinated, the process is free for the most vulnerable. If you are over 65 years old, you can go to your doctor or a pharmacy, with a letter from Health Insurance that you have undoubtedly received. On the other hand, if you are under 65 years old, you can be vaccinated in a pharmacy without paying no more than 10 euros.
You can also kill two birds with one stone by making yourself vaccinate against the flu but also against Covid-19it is even recommended. It is entirely possible to have a double injection, which means you do not waste time for yourself but also for your caregivers. However, as a reminder, a flu vaccine does not protect you from Covid-19 and vice versa.