Condom. “The lights of the city” on a virtuous curve

Condom. “The lights of the city” on a virtuous curve
Condom. “The lights of the city” on a virtuous curve

the essential
The “Lights of the City” association oversees the destiny of the “Le Gascogne” cinema. It is one of the most important associations in the City in terms of its number of members.

After difficult years with the Covid-19 pandemic, the association is smiling again with a general assembly which is optimistic both in terms of its attendance figures and in terms of attendance in large numbers. Its goal is the defense, maintenance and promotion of cinema in theaters in its leisure and cultural dimensions.

In the presence of Alain Bouffartigues, president of Ciné 32 and honorary president of the association of art house cinemas in Occitanie and New Aquitaine, the president of “lights of the city” Gérard Cassou opens the general assembly. All the figures are up thanks to the volunteers who were able to be imaginative in attracting spectators again to the two dark rooms of “Gascogne”.

Good health

As proof, a 40% increase in members since 2018 to reach the figure of 277. The 2023 attendance returned to its pre-Covid figures with 18,870 spectators for 768 sessions and an increase of 25.9% compared to 2022 despite a drop in the number of sessions due to the closure of room 2 for 5 weeks due to work.

“Gascogne” has retained its “Cinéma Art et Essais”, “Young Audience”, “Heritage and Repertoire” labels. These labels are obtained thanks to the variety of films screened. The share of arthouse screenings reached 56.3% and represented 54.1% of spectators.

Numerous film debates and meetings are organized with a diversity of themes addressed allowing discussion and opening up to the world. For the association, the cinema is also a place for reflection. The 7th short film festival in Armagnac received 927 entries, almost 300 entries more than the previous edition. A new feature will be introduced for the 8th edition, the selection of films will be made by a selection committee made up of members of the association’s board of directors and volunteers. To date, 407 short films have been submitted by their directors to the dedicated platform. “The lights of the city” intends to take advantage of this dynamic for the year 2024.



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