-d’. A well-deserved retirement for Jean-Jacques Ciancia

-d’. A well-deserved retirement for Jean-Jacques Ciancia
Valence-d’Agen. A well-deserved retirement for Jean-Jacques Ciancia

On Friday September 27, elected officials, colleagues and friends gathered to celebrate the career of Jean-Jacques Ciancia, director of the Intercommunal Center for Social Action (CIAS), on the occasion of his retirement. After thirty-nine years spent working in the service of others, Jean-Jacques Ciancia was honored for his exemplary commitment, marked by his dedication, his humanity and his keen sense of the general interest.

Jean-Michel Baylet, president of the community of communes of Deux-Rives, delivered a moving speech, saluting the remarkable career of Jean-Jacques. Arriving from Castelsarrasin, where he was in charge of home help, Jean-Jacques was quickly able to integrate into -d’ as head of the social assistance office. In 1987, he took charge of the Balivernes residence, then supported the transformation of the social assistance office into the Communal Social Action Center (CCAS), before participating in the creation of the CIAS for the Deux-Rives district in 1989. Under his leadership, the CIAS became one of the rare intercommunal centers in , demonstrating its ability to innovate and unite. Jean-Michel Baylet also highlighted the numerous social actions developed thanks to Jean-Jacques, such as home delivery of meals, on-demand transportation and, more recently, the management of vaccination centers during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Delphine Langlois, president of the Staff Association, took the floor to recall the founding role of Jean-Jacques in the creation of the association eighteen years ago. Thanks to his vision, this structure made it possible to strengthen solidarity between agents and encouraged many moments of conviviality. As a thank you, the association offered him vouchers to use at local businesses.

Jean-Jacques Ciancia, visibly moved, closed the evening by sharing a few words with the assembly, expressing his gratitude for these years spent serving others. With humor and philosophy, he declared: “After spending my career taking care of others, I will take care of myself, as many wish me to do. But first, I must learn to know who this person is. Me.”

A page is turning for this committed man, whose journey will remain engraved in the memory of the community of communes of Deux-Rives.



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