Didier Raoult banned from practicing medicine for two years

Didier Raoult banned from practicing medicine for two years
Didier Raoult banned from practicing medicine for two years

In 2021, the National Council of the Order of Physicians appealed the simple reprimand inflicted on the controversial professor for having promoted hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19.

For having violated the Code of Medical Ethics by promoting hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19, despite the absence of proven effect, Didier Raoult is prohibited from practicing medicine for two years from February 1, 2025, according to the decision on appeal from the national disciplinary chamber, according to information from the Parisian confirmed at Figaro by the National Order of Physicians.

The national disciplinary chamber of the order of doctors ruled that “Professor Raoult did not base his public positions on confirmed data, did not exercise caution and promoted an insufficiently proven treatment”in its decision dated October 2. But, as in the first instance, she considered that Didier Raoult did not make his patients run “an unjustified risk”among other things because the prescription of hydroxychloroquine respected the doses usually recommended and because “he knowingly excluded (…) patients who presented the highest risk factors”.

Criticism of vaccination and confinement

Didier Raoult, on the other hand, is criticized for his study at the University Hospital Institute (IHU) of on around 30,000 patients without the green light from the health authorities, and his publication not respecting the “scientific rigor”. Through his criticism of widespread vaccination and confinement, he “harmed by comments devoid of consideration of the measures taken by the health authorities for the purposes of protecting public health”also considers the Order of Physicians.

The sanction also targets the“absence of brotherhood” of Didier Raoult towards colleagues or other establishments. He held “comments going beyond the scope of freedom of expression”for example by contrasting its results with those of Parisian hospitals where “they counted the dead” or by claiming that another doctor had “conducted tests in which children died”.

A “blame” in December 2021

On December 3, 2021, the former director of IHU Méditerranée Infection was sent a “blame” by the disciplinary chamber of the Order of Physicians of Nouvelle-Aquitaine. It was then the second most important sanction after the simple warning and before the bans on practice, or even deregistration.

This chamber criticized the specialist in tropical diseases for having communicated “information that was not based on any confirmed data” by championing hydroxychloroquine. His lawyer, Me Fabrice Di Vizio, then estimated that this “slap on the wrist” was “a victory” for his client. A few days later, on December 17, the National Council of the Order of Physicians appealed, judging the sanction too lenient given “the seriousness of the breaches”.

Didier Raoult and his lawyer did not respond to requests from Figaro. On X, Fabrice Di Vizio also claimed this Thursday that he had not been able to read the decision.



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