Practical. Why is everyone going back to “homemade”?

Practical. Why is everyone going back to “homemade”?
Practical. Why is everyone going back to “homemade”?

With the proliferation of ultra-processed foods, full of additives, preservatives and hidden sugars, many people are realizing the importance of knowing what they put on their plate.

A need for transparency on food

By cooking yourself, you have total control over the ingredients, their origin, and the preparation methods.

  • Know what you’re eating: One of the main advantages of homemade is the possibility of choosing quality, unprocessed and often healthier ingredients. Preparing your meals allows you to avoid excess salt, fat or added sugar that are frequently found in industrial products.
  • Traceability and local products: More and more people are interested in the origin of the products they consume. Cooking at home allows you to favor local producers and consume fresh, seasonal ingredients, often more respectful of the environment.

A quest for well-being

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused real awareness around health and well-being. By cooking at home, it is easier to adopt a balanced diet, based on fresh and varied products, far from industrial diets too rich in empty calories.

  • Improve your diet: Homemade food allows you to better control your nutritional intake and meet specific needs such as eating gluten-free, lactose-free, or with less sugar. Homemade meals are often more nutritious because they contain more vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  • Feel better about your body: Many people find that cooking their own food gives them a feeling of well-being. Taking care of what you eat has a positive impact on energy, morale and long-term physical health.

A return to authentic values

Cooking your own meals is part of a return to simple and authentic values. As the modern world pushes us toward speed and convenience, home cooking allows us to slow down and reconnect with what matters most.

  • A taste of tradition: Many families are rediscovering ancestral recipes, passed down from generation to generation. Cooking allows you to recreate a link with the past, to preserve a culinary memory and to breathe new life into traditional dishes that are often forgotten.
  • The pleasure of making it yourself: There is real satisfaction in preparing your own meals. This allows you to have control of the process from start to finish, to see a dish evolve and, above all, to be able to savor the result.

A response to environmental issues

The impact of industrial consumption on the environment is a major concern today. Homemade allows you to reduce your ecological footprint by avoiding excessive packaging and adopting more environmentally friendly practices.

  • Reduce waste: When cooking at home, you can favor buying in bulk, use reusable containers and avoid plastic packaging for prepared meals. In addition, by planning your meals and managing your leftovers, it is possible to significantly reduce food waste.
  • Eating local and sustainable: Choosing homemade encourages consuming locally, favoring seasonal products, and adopting a more sustainable diet. This helps support small producers and reduce the impact of freight transport.

The return of homemade is much more than just a trend: it embodies a collective awareness around health, the environment and conviviality.

Faced with a constantly accelerating world, cooking yourself allows you to find a certain balance, to better control what you consume and to fully savor each meal.

Today, home cooking is part of an approach to overall well-being, combining taste pleasure, creativity, and responsibility.



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