September shaken by viruses

September shaken by viruses
September shaken by viruses

September will indeed have started under the threat of a warning from the region’s School Service Centers, reporting numerous cases of whooping cough among students. A phenomenon that is however not specific to Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, while the whole of Quebec has observed a resurgence of the bacteria in recent months.

According to data collected as of September 14, 952 cases of whooping cough have been reported in the region since the beginning of 2024. Last week alone, 48 cases were reported. For comparison, the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) estimates the average number of people affected by whooping cough annually in Canada to be between 1,000 and 3,000. However, the bacteria experiences peaks of greater activity every two to five years.

There have been 952 cases of whooping cough reported in the region since the beginning of 2024. Last week alone, 48 cases were reported. (123RF)

“Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself against whooping cough. The whooping cough vaccine is a combination vaccine, meaning it protects against several diseases at once. The composition of the vaccine varies depending on the person’s age,” said a spokesperson for the CIUSSS du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean by email.

The regular vaccination schedule already includes vaccination against whooping cough, with doses distributed between 4 months and 6 years. However, anyone older than that who is not adequately vaccinated can make an appointment through Clic Santé.

A downward trend

The number of confirmed cases of whooping cough, however, is tending to decrease. Still circulating, COVID-19 could also follow the same curve in the coming days. “In terms of the general picture for the region, we see that for the past four weeks, the positivity rate for COVID-19 has stabilized,” specifies the CIUSSS.

Just like last summer, the KP3 variant is believed to be responsible for most infections, with 84% of cases recorded. The symptoms associated with it are said to be much the same as in the past, namely cough, fever, and body aches.

Unlike previous waves of COVID-19, vaccination is not expected in the immediate future. In fact, vaccination has been suspended since September 14, pending the development of a vaccine that is more suited to the viruses in circulation. Vaccination is expected to resume later in the fall, at the same time as the influenza campaign is launched.

In addition to whooping cough and COVID-19, public health continues its observations regarding respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza. However, their circulation would be “very low, if not non-existent” according to the latest indicators.



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