Health. In the Channel, cases of Covid-19 have increased sharply since the start of the school year

Health. In the Channel, cases of Covid-19 have increased sharply since the start of the school year
Health. In the Channel, cases of Covid-19 have increased sharply since the start of the school year


Ewen Robin

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 4:26 PM

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Since the start of the school year, cases of Covid-19 know a clear resurgence in the Channel.

According to figures from SOS Médecins, the consultations for suspicion of Covid-19 have tripled, reaching 69 cases recorded last week compared to nearly twenty the previous week.

At the national level, this increase is particularly marked in children and adolescents from 2 to 14 years old, where we see an 85% increase in suspected Covid-19 (+ 78 acts).

Self-test sale

The start of the school year therefore seems to play a key role in this resumption of traffic virus. Indeed, the return of the students in school environment promotes the groupings and the close contactsconducive to the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

A pharmacist from Cherbourg confirms this trend: “We have indeed sold more self-tests in recent weeks. It’s often like that after the start of the school year. We also do more PCR testsand out of four tests carried out recently, two were found to be positive. We see a lot of young peoplebut it is a broad range of people who are affected.”

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On the national plan, Indicators show a slight increase in cases in cityalthough the situation remains stable at the hospital.

THE emergency room visits for suspected Covid-19 represent 0.5% of admissions, while hospitalizations amount to 0.8% according to figures published by Public Health dated September 11.

Vaccination to start in October

The presence of the variant JN.1, dominant in France with 99% of cases, confirms that the virus is actively circulating.

The Covid-19 vaccination campaign, combined with that of the fluwill begin on October 15targeting in particular the most vulnerable people vulnerable. There vigilance is therefore appropriate.

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