Literary rentrée: “Hotel Roma” by Pierre Adrian: Ave Cesare!

Literary rentrée: “Hotel Roma” by Pierre Adrian: Ave Cesare!

«Cesare Pavese became the writer of my 30s, probably because I was no longer looking for a mentor, but only a friend to keep me company. The lives of writers rarely rival those of conquerors in intensity. But some are endowed with a romantic potential that biographical stories sometimes know how to exploit. Thus Cesare Pavese (1908-1950), one of the leading writers of the Italian post-war period, the author of two of the most beautiful titles in world literature, Working is tiring et The Craft of LivingWe could even speak of a dark romance about him, the desire to die having cast a petrifying shadow over his life.

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Pierre Adrian, offers Cesare Pavese a joyful tomb with Hotel Roma.

So it was in search of a desperate man that Pietro Adrian set out. With all the more merit since Pavese, as he immediately assumes, is a dark, hard and sententious Piedmontese whose negativism won over anyone who approached him – anyone who still reads him too. Not liking to live or travel, to go to the sea or dance, Pavese did not seek to commit himself either, although the fascist regime relegated him to Calabria for eight months. But it is this greyness that makes him universal by revealing our most secret flaws – his literature seemed to be the diary of others, one critic could say.

Sleeping pills

Pavese had received recognition from his peers through the Strega Prize, the Italian Goncourt. He had also been in love […] Read more


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