What do we know about the arrest of a radicalized high school student?

What do we know about the arrest of a radicalized high school student?

Apology for terrorism – The 17-year-old boy, who presented himself as an “Islamic State follower”, had released a video in which he threatened to kill his teacher, promising to slit her jugular

A 17-year-old boy was brought before the Nantes prosecutor’s office this Friday for condoning terrorism. He had threatened to kill one of his teachers. What happened? What is the profile of the high school student? What will happen next in the investigation? 20 Minutes takes stock.

What happened?

The first events took place on September 11 at the Jean Perrin high school in Rézé in Nantes. While she was giving a class, a teacher surprised one of her students “simulating a shot with a weapon”, reveals the JDD.

In the evening, the high school student posted a video on Telegram, in which he promised to “plant” his teacher “in the jugular”, “while presenting himself as a follower of the Islamic State movement”, said Renaud Gaudeul, the public prosecutor of Nantes, on Friday. An intelligence service, which saw the message, immediately alerted the public prosecutor’s office. This led to his arrest the following day. The boy was arrested at home “shortly after 6 o’clock”, before investigators searched his home.

What is the student profile?

“Unknown to the police and justice services”, the suspect is 17 years old. He is in the final year of secondary school(…) - 20minutes

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