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“She’s aging horribly”, “she was really a model before?!” : this 80s star victim of ageism

She’s aging terribly”, “it’s catastrophic”, “It’s really hard to believe she was a model”, “She’s ruining everything”, “She’s aging so badly”, “It’s terrible to see“…

All these declarations of love are the abundant comments made to an icon of the 80s: Brooke Shields. A few years after the beginnings of the #MeToo movement, the actress no longer wants to let it happen. She, who has experienced sexist and sexual violence during her career, and catastrophic media coverage, testifies in her latest publication to all these anonymous reactions which pollute her latest photos.

His selfies channel a big surge of ageism.

This sexist stigmatization of women in their forties and over, to which so many celebrities can attest: Nicole Kidman for example, but also Demi Moore, Jamie Lee Curtis, Halle Berry. All of Hollywood in short. And not only that. Recently, it was Cécile de who criticized this phenomenon.

And Brooke Shields’ reaction is amazing.

“You have no right to grow old!” : Brooke Shields’ shattering response to the flood of sexist reactions

Because the star decided to bring together all these comments, in “roast” mode, in her latest video. To free them from her hand, and take the opportunity to promote her new book, where she addresses her relationship with age. But that’s not all. She also uses a beautiful speech.


On la lit : “Here are my thoughts on being a “woman of a certain age”: I have never felt better or more confident than I did at 59. I hope these words make you feel stronger…“. And Brooke Shields continued: “It’s finally time to grow old!!

And in unison the reactions to Brooke Shields’ post take the form of liberating testimonies. The star’s 2 million fans are there to share their own experiences. Their relationship to the passing of time but also to their own body, and to their freedom. Despite patriarchal pressures. It is the deployment of a whole sororal dialogue.

A few years ago, I was REALLY afraid of getting old. I did Botox and injections. I even let some convince me that I was too young for gray hair after spending YEARS growing it out. Then I was diagnosed with BREAST CANCER! Then I was afraid of not growing old!“, expresses an Internet user in this regard.

I stopped dyeing my hair, no more injections or Botox. Growing old is a BEAUTIFUL gift. When the world starts telling me otherwise, I turn to people like you Brooke, Jamie Lee CurtisDrew Barrymore, Sharon Stone. We need you!”, “Getting old is a privilege“, we can still read.

Ideal bell sound to counter all the “hate”.

We have the privilege of living longer. It’s a real gift. Why don’t people understand this?“, still exclaim the many fans of the actress. “You are a national treasure and a female icon”, “Anyone who says otherwise has not lost someone too young. You are so beautiful”, “We all “age well”, because growing old is in itself a privilege“, we still read under Brooke Shields’ post. Like a sort of body positive mantra, applied over the years.


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