Friday January 17, 2025, La Boîte à secrets on France 3 offered a great moment of emotion to its audience. Stéphane Bern, invited alongside Élodie Frégé and David Douillet, was the first to open his box and shared his memories. Despite the fact that he confided from the start of the show that he was not a fan of surprises, describing these moments as a “leap into the unknown”, he agreed to let himself go. In his box, Yori Bailleres’ companion first discovered the Manual of National History of Luxembourg by Arthur Herchen, a work which is very dear to him. “It’s one of the books that means the most to me. In the past, I could quote entire pages from it,” he confided, proving how attached he was to his Luxembourg roots. But it was a poignant rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine by mezzo-soprano Axelle Saint-Cirel that truly made her heart sink. During this performance, family images were broadcast, in particular of his father, who died two years ago, and of his brother Armand, who died in August 2022 from skin cancer.
Visibly upset, Stéphane Bern let rare confidences escape: “I owe you a confession all the same. There is this song, there is this singer, and you put before my eyes the images of my father who left there at two years old, from my brother who left last year… I feel a bit like a survivor. I admired my brother so much, and he let me go. )
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