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Timothée, the kid only 16 years old, amazed Pierre Hermé, world pastry star, and won “Best pastry chef”

“I stay as long as…”: Cyril Lignac continues to be a juror in “The Best Pastry Chef” on one condition

One of his creations created during the show even found its place in the displays of the prestigious Lenôtre house. She had impressed Cyril Lignac and Mercotte, but also Étienne Leroy, the pastry chef who had challenged the candidates that day. It is even said that between Lenôtre and Timothée, the story is not over. “We sold them all, it was so good! People’s feedback was very positive, everyone was friendly. I really want to do it again and I think Lenôtre would be delighted to do the same. We’ve already talked about it a little but we’re waiting for the final to be broadcast and we’ll see.”he confided to Tele-Leisure.

He dared to use Espelette pepper

Astonished, Pierre Hermé, the guest pastry chef and chocolatier on the show for the finale, was also amazed when he discovered Timothée’s audacity. Not shy about taking risks, he dared, as his signature cake, the raspberry-vanilla dessert spiced with Espelette pepper. A composition which brought him unanimous votes to designate the winner, namely that of Cyril and Mercotte, that of the 30 people invited to vote on the cakes of the two finalists, and that of Pierre Hermé.

During the previous test, the one to reach the final, Timothée had already impressed Nina Métayer, the first female world pastry champion, who had challenged the three candidates to reproduce her signature galette de Reines, with its delicate and fragile crown. She had emphasized how creating such a technical cake and achieving such quality at only 16 years old was impressive.

Laëtitia Milot at the top

This edition of Best pastry chef was also a first for Laëtitia Milot. The actress we saw in More beautiful lifetook over the presentation of the pastry competition after the departure of Marie Portolano. Spitante, she brought an extra bit of soul to the M6 ​​program broadcast here on RTL-tvi, making it more feel good than ever.

Very close to the candidates, she did not hide her emotions or her tears when some left or faced with the setbacks of amateur pastry chefs at their work surfaces. “I tend to get attached to people very quickly. Every time a pastry chef left, I shed a little tear. At first, I had trouble distancing myself and telling myself that it was a game. Then, I had to make a choice: either I took a step back and moved forward, or I stopped.” she told us before the launch of the season. She hadn’t lied and we want more.

The addition of small sketches was also a plus, giving a new dynamic to the program and allowing Laëtitia Milot to showcase her talents as an actress. “I was asked to do a sketch as an introduction to each episode based on the theme of the week. I thought it was great! It’s me, it looks like me. Like me, Mercotte took great pleasure in performing these sketches. Where we also see my acting side is in the affect and in my naturalness“, she slipped to the DH.

“I put my touch as an actress”: Laetitia Milot arrives at the presentation of “Best Pastry Chef” on RTL-tvi

Winning changes

We will also salute the bias of the production which dared to change the course of the show. By modifying the order of the challenges which had been fixed for a long time (the challenge of Cyril Lignac followed by the technical test of Mercotte and the creative test), she gave some pep to the meeting.

The addition of the golden cupcake giving instant access to the next show is also a success.

Brief, The best pastry chef delighted us this season. Thanks to the candidates who were particularly endearing, of course. But also by the new features and the joy of living conveyed by its new host. We bet she will still be at the helm next season. In any case, Laëtitia Milot was very moved, shedding a few tears, when choosing the winner of this edition.


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