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Kendji Girac: “I regret everything that happened”

More than two months after shooting himselfKendji Girac spoke in a video posted on June 26, 2024 on Instagram. “Hello everyone, I am so stressed and happy at the same time to address you all. Since my message of May 10, I didn’t give you any news, because I had to take care of myself and think about what happened to understand how I got there, and above all make the right decisions for the future. I also wanted to let justice do its work (editor’s note: the case was dismissed June 25, 2024),” he explained.

And added: “I regret everything that happened. Before my accident and for some time I had developed bad habits. I got lost, all this is not part of me. I would like to apologize to you. As you know, I almost lost my life, the love of my family, my audience, my friends and my daughter almost lost her father. I don’t know what happened. I want to go back to being the boy I was, that I am deep down. The most important thing is to learn from your mistakes, you can always get back up, the most important thing is to get help so you don’t do it again.”

After apologizing to those he hurt, the 27-year-old singer wanted to thank his fans. “It is important to me to thank you for being kind, for not judging me when I caused you pain,” he concluded. In comments, stars and anonymous people gave him support. “Miracles bear fruit, so what happens next will be wonderful. We know who you are, we love you and we are waiting for you,” Vianney wrote. “Come on, my Kendji, we’re waiting for you. Take your time. Everyone is waiting for you with love and patience,” Slimane posted.

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