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“I want to go back to being the boy I was”

On the night of April 21 to 22, Kendji Girac “voluntarily” shot himself to dissuade his partner from leaving him, according to recent conclusions from the Mont-de-Marsan public prosecutor’s office. More than two months after the events, the singer finally speaks in front of the camera in a video published on his social networks.

« I’m so stressed to speak to you ». It is with great emotion that Kendji Girac came out of silence, this Wednesday, June 27, with a confession video published on his social networks. The singer had not yet addressed the accident of April 21 (the evening during which he « voluntarily » twent over it to prevent his partner from letting him down, according to his admission and the conclusions of the prosecution).

« I haven’t given you any news. I had to take care of myself and understand how I got to this point in order to make the right decisions in the future. I wanted to let justice do its job, and now that it’s done, it was important to me to address you in my words to tell you how much I regret everything that happened. »

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Of “ bad habits ” at the heart of the problem

« Before the accident, I had developed bad habits »he confides, undoubtedly referring to his alcohol addiction. « I was entering a spiral that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Despite the advice of those around me, I got lost, I was not aware of it at all. All that isn’t part of me, I’m not a boy like that. »

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« JI almost lost my life, the love of my family, my audience, my friends. My daughter almost lost her father »he says, talking about his little Eva Alba (3 years old). « I intend to stop doing all these things that destroy people. And I want to become the boy I was, that I still am deep down. The most important thing is to learn from your mistakes, you can always get back up, nothing is fixed in life. You have to understand and get help so you don’t do it again. »

« Tit’s all behind me »

« My goal is to make people happy with a little song or a smile. Except I did just the opposite… »he continued. « The most important thing is that this is all behind me. Today, I am immensely lucky: I have your support, that of my family, my friends, my professional entourage. This is something that has given me a lot of strength over the last two months. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being kind to me and not judging me. I would do anything to live up to it. »

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The 27-year-old singer revealed in « The Voice » in 2014 concluded his video by thanking the hospital staff who welcomed him after the incident, as well as the public prosecutor of Mont-de-Marsan for being « struggled to understand the complexity of this situation. »

In the comments, his famous friends support him. « Come on my Kendji, we’re waiting for you, take your time ” writes Matt Pokora. « Miracles bear fruit, so the rest will be wonderful. We know who you are, we love you and we are waiting for you », comments Vianney. « Everyone is waiting for you with love and patience », adds Slimane. Camille Cerf, Agustin Galiana, Nikos Aliagas and Baptiste Giabiconi also send a lot of support to the singer.


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