Anne-Sophie Lapix reframes Jean-Philippe Tanguy (RN) live

Anne-Sophie Lapix reframes Jean-Philippe Tanguy (RN) live
Anne-Sophie Lapix reframes Jean-Philippe Tanguy (RN) live

By Emilie Paul

yesterday at 16:42,

Update yesterday at 17:32

Jean-Philippe Tanguy and Anne-Sophie Lapix on France 2.
Screenshot montage.

VIDEO – The journalist clearly did not appreciate her guest calling out Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Europe-Écologie-Les Verts, as she was leaving the set of the France 2 special programme.

Anne-Sophie Lapix is known for not mincing her words. The journalist proved it once again on Sunday. On the occasion of the first round of the legislative elections, she was accompanied by Laurent Delahousse to host the special program on France 2.

Throughout the evening, the duo welcomed various political representatives. Around 10 p.m., Aurore Bergé, Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, National Rally candidate for the Somme, and Marine Tondelier, National Secretary of Europe-Écologie-Les Verts, sat down at the table to debate. But the latter did not stay until the end. “I’m going to have to leave to go to Place de la République”she warned before having a heated exchange with the Ensemble dans les Yvelines candidate and leaving the set.

She leaves, she can’t answer you, you could have called her before perhaps

Anne-Sophie Lapix to Jean-Philippe Tanguy

It was at this point that Jean-Philippe Tanguy decided to take a dig at him. “Mrs. Tondelier, if you could tell your friends on the Place de la République not to trash the Place de la République as usual and not to turn it into a dump.”said the RN MP. “Oh, she’s leaving, she can’t answer you, you could have called her before perhaps, it would have been more courageous”Anne-Sophie Lapix immediately said.

«Yes, but it must be said because once again, the city centres of France are going to be damaged by this extreme left which lectures the whole world while they trash the public highway, they are going to burn bus shelters, they are going to insult voters who do not think like them.he justified himself. It’s easy for Mrs. Tondelier to play the arbiter of elegance all night long with Mrs. Bergé to explain that this candidate is good, that candidate is not good. But do you think we’re going to take lessons from Mrs. Tondelier who is friends with Raphaël Arnault who thinks that we should hit candidates who don’t think like him?he said before Anne-Sophie Lapix changed the subject.




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