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“These idiots took me for their friend”, Djebril (Star Academy) attacks the show and his comrades again?

The first single from Djebril Slatni is finally released this Friday October 4 and it is titled Privileges. This is his very first since the adventure of Star Academy and the end of the tour. But, since this experience, the young 23-year-old singer has continued to swing behind the scenes of the show. Indeed, he doesn’t only have nice things to say, quite the contrary.

And this single is obviously a new opportunity to settle accounts and of take his placeas he had already declared on the Web. One thing is certain, if fans were impatiently waiting to discover his creations, they will be served!

Djebril (Star Academy): a first single that says a lot

Djebril had made a notable appearance in the Star Academy with his look androgyne et sa sensitivity on edge. However, a few months later, he made shocking revelations about the program: “A context in which I did not feel neither respected as a person nor as an artist. He felt discriminated against, particularly when he was invisible on the album released by the students.

Today he decides to turn the page with his single seeming to want to dot everyone’s i’s. And he doesn’t beat around the bush! In his single, some sentences are brutal such as “these idiots took me for their friend“, “naive, I was to believe that my place was here“, “witness of contempt” or even “even if you didn’t want me.”

Djebril still seems well and truly injured. But, with his sharp pen, he is determined to no longer hide anything, to express what is on his heart and create his place as he says.

Some people may not like

One thing is certain, these words will not not pleasing everyonewhether it be the teachers or the production. Even among Internet users, he does not have only support. One of them wrote on X: “He spits a lot in the soup. He’s nothing without Star Ac. Besides, he should have been the first to leave, because his talent isn’t really that. The song will be listened to, but it’s not “It’s really not crazy.”

But Djebril will always be able to count on his fans who see him as a courageous personwithout filter, who is not afraid of denounce injustices. Will each new song reveal well-kept secrets about its passage to the Star Academy ? Business to follow and see you on October 12 for the new season!


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