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“Drugs that make you fat”: Marina Carrère d’Encausse speaks frankly about her lifestyle and diet

At 62, Marina Carrère d’Encausse feels more fulfilled than ever. Comfortable in his age and in his shoesthe doctor is enjoying her sixties. Much better than her younger years!
“I feel better now. I feel very good about my age. I even feel better than I did before. I’d rather be 62 than 20, quite honestly.”confided Michel Cymès’ friend on the set of Jordan de Luxe this Tuesday, September 17.

The reason? It’s simple. Marina Carrère d’Encausse didn’t cope very well with her exit from adolescence. “These are not ages that I loved. I didn’t like myself very much, I didn’t find myself beautifulshe said. And if she is not “always” Not a fan of her physical appearance, she has completely changed her mindset. “Now I am very kind to myself, I am very lenient with myself. Which makes things a lot easier,” she assured on the C8 set.

She “doesn’t want” to go on a diet

“Today I think it’s a fantastic age. I have children, I have toddlers and I think it’s wonderful. I have an exciting career.”she enthused. As you will have understood, Marina Carrère d’Encausse is not the type to give in to the sirens of beauty dictates. Diets? Not for her. “I’ve been through too many hard things in my life to ruin my life for nothing. I don’t want to.”she immediately replied to the journalist.

However, Marina Carrère d’Encausse does not lead a daily life of excess. Quite the contrary. “I have a healthy life, a healthy diet, physical activity… I move and everythingshe described. Well, I have some weight gain medication but it’s not serious. It’s not
not something that bothers mee.”
Comfortable in her own skin, she doesn’t like the fact that physical appearance plays such an important role in today’s society.

Marina Carrère d’Encausse: “if there was a miracle diet…”

“I think it’s really what you have inside that comes out on the outside. That’s what makes you look good. Life is too short to waste your brain cells on anything.”she philosophized in Chez Jordan de Luxe. Especially since she knows it well: there are many techniques for losing weight, but they are not necessarily useful. “If there were a miracle dietwe would know. The only ones that work are to permanently deprive yourself of everything”she regretted.

“And we’re not all made to weigh 50 kilos. After that, we can ruin our lives without any problem… But personally, I don’t see the point,” she concluded. She has never been on diets and she doesn’t plan on starting today. A clear and concise discussion that is a pleasure to hear. Fulfilled by her family and her work, Marina Carrère d’Encausse does not want to not to waste your life with complexes. And she is right!


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