Following the controversies aimed at Elon Musk, accused of having made a nazi salute on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump, several images of political figures of the Democratic camp, such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or Kamala Harris, his arm stretched, have circulated on social networks. Three of these images are completely out of context, while the last is not entirely retraced.
On January 21, the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration, Elon Musk shared on X, a social network of which he owns, a montage photo of the Pro-Trump Libs of Tiktok account. This assembly, given more than 150 million times, shows four democratic political figures – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren – seeming to perform a Nazi salute.
In his post, accompanied by the commentary “The traditional media are only propaganda; you are the media now”, Musk seems to want to divert attention by insinuating that the Democrats would have made this same gesture before him. This publication comes in fact when Musk himself was at the center of a controversy after an ambiguous gesture during the inaugurationperceived by some as a Nazi salute, arousing indignation and criticism.
-However, the shared images have come out of their context and in no case suggest a Nazi salute contrary to what is accused of the billionaire.
Barack Obama
Read more on observers – France 24