The procedure for lifting the parliamentary immunity of MP Farba Ngom is accelerating. After completing his work on the issue, the President of the National Assembly summons his fellow deputies to a plenary session tomorrow for the examination and vote on the procedure following a request submitted by the Minister of Justice, Ousmane Diagne, to of the parliamentary institution.Par Dieynaba Kane –
The procedure for lifting the parliamentary immunity of MP Mouhamadou Ngom is progressing quickly. After the work of the ad hoc committee set up for this purpose, the deputies are summoned to a plenary session this Friday, January 24, 2025 at 11 a.m. In the summons signed by the President of the National Assembly, El Malick Ndiaye, it is specified that it will be a question of “examining the conclusions of the ad hoc commission responsible for ruling on the request for lifting of parliamentary immunity of MP Mouhamadou Ngom. This plenary session will probably be the last step before delivering MP Farba Ngom to the Financial Judicial Pool, given the configuration of the 15th Legislature.
It should be noted that this procedure for lifting the parliamentary immunity of MP Farba Ngom follows the case of alleged money laundering involving a provisional amount of more than 125 billion Cfa francs, according to the report of the National Cell of processing of financial information (Centif), in which it is cited.
-On Tuesday, the representative of MP Farba Ngom, Aïssata Tall Sall, spoke to the press, denouncing the lack of transmission of the file incriminating her colleague.
Before the ad hoc committee, Ms. Sall asked to consult the file on which the Prosecutor’s Office relied to request the lifting of the parliamentary immunity of her colleague and political ally. In this regard, the president of the Takku Wallu Group explained: “We have not received a file. We were told that there is a file, but that it is marked secret. Finally, what we were given were 4 transmission letters. But this is not enough, because these documents do not allow us to understand what Farba Ngom is accused of. This is why I left the commission, because I could not associate myself with such an approach.”
Present at this press conference, his colleague from the same camp and member of the ad hoc committee, Djimo Souaré, maintained that this situation is a first in Senegal, because “the lifting of the immunity of a deputy is envisaged without that the National Assembly does not have the complete file.
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