“They call us the Daft Punk of humor”

“They call us the Daft Punk of humor”
“They call us the Daft Punk of humor”

What is the underlying message of your latest film?

Jean-Christian Fraiscinet and Vincent Dubois, from Bodin’s: “We live and still live in the countryside. Jean-Christian is from Berrichon and I am from Tourangeau. We are dealing with a theme that is close to our hearts: the desertification of the countryside. This is the theme of the film, a real comedy. »

Where did you shoot the film?

“The filming lasted three months: two months in Morocco, fifteen days in Touraine, fifteen days in including the Agricultural Show. »

“The stars are the Bodin’s, we’re relaxed!” »

Are you still amazed by the success of Bodin’s?

“This year, our duo is celebrating its 30th anniversary. We are always amazed to see that people are still there, behind us. There is an empathy, something that supports our projects. It affects us. As if we were a bit of their family. »

Your duo of farmers is a hit everywhere (cinemas, shows, , etc.). What is the recipe for this massive success?

“One of the recipes for success is that it is progressive and therefore sustainable. We didn’t go from our bathrooms to the Zénith overnight. »

Are Maria and Christian stars?


“Cinema is an industry. We continue to be artisans. The stars are the characters of Bodin’s. Jean-Christian and I don’t have a celebrity life. We are relaxed in the street. People tell us that we are the Daft Punk of humor! »

The Bodin’s phenomenon has even been analyzed by a sociologist…

“They don’t have much to f… Often people intellectualize. We’re just doing this to distract the audience. »

What is the DNA of your humor?

“It’s about saying that even small people can do big things. »

A message for NR readers?

“Continue reading the newspaper (we subscribed to the NR!), turn off the TV as often as possible… except when the Bodin’s are on. Keep the newspaper once read to light the fireplace or wrap the endives. Come see our film on March 19 (official release) and happy new year! »



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