In the style of 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Stanley Kubrick, Michaël Gregorio, accompanied by his musicians, explores the voice in all its diversity, from Chaplin’s silent cinema to musical comedies. But also in all its fragility. The artist knows a lot about this subject. Combining humor, vocal performances and emotions, this Odyssey of the voice ends its tour in 2025: it stops on Saturday January 18, at Auxerrexpo.
Under what circumstances was this “Odyssey of the voice” born?
In a particular context, in the middle of the Covid pandemic and at a time when I myself was losing my voice
-. This is what inspired the show. I wanted a show about voice. I initially dreamed it as an ode to the voice. Very quickly, it became a journey. From the ode, we moved on to the odyssey. With Arnaud Lemort, my co-author and director, I wanted to say lots of things about the voice, to say that I only have one voice, not fifty. That when I lose it, I don’t have 499 others to keep singing. I wanted to talk about the fragility of the voice, in an offbeat way.
Your voice is precious. You chose silent cinema and Tramp to evoke this fragility. What is your relationship to Chaplin?