For its third day, the Alpe d’Huez International Comedy Film Festival saw many stars parade on its red carpet. On the program, no less than eight films were screened in front of spectators with the presence of numerous actors and directors. During the evening, the team from the feature film “With or Without Children” put on a show, warming up the already electric atmosphere of the Festival.
Like a group of friends on vacation in the mountains, the casting of Elsa Blayau’s latest film has not gone unnoticed. Between Tiphaine Daviot and Rayane Bensetti unbearable in front of the photographers, Joséphine Draï and Julien Pestel freewheeling and Alessandra Carrillo clinging to her bouquet of flowers… There was no shortage of bursts of laughter.
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Franck Dubosc, a true “stage beast”
Coming to present his third feature film “A Bear in the Jura”, Franck Dubosc simply posed in the company of a… Bear! In plastic, of course, but in the images of this crazy photocall, the actor showed that he was in Olympic shape.
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Better known for his acting talents, Franck Dubosc is increasingly interested in directing. In this comedy, he confided that he encountered some difficulties, particularly during the love scenes: “ I was very embarrassed when we shot those scenes. And even more so when we shot the love scene in the car. And then when I saw the rushes, I told myself that I had gained a little weight…” he said in the press kit.