Edson Lopes Gama, a young football player, died on the evening of Sunday January 5 while participating in a tournament near the town of Maués, in northern Brazil, reports CNN. The teenager fell after saving a penalty. He received the ball in the chest.
In a video broadcast on social networks and relayed by RMC Sport, we see the goalkeeper, barefoot, preparing to stop the ball. He spreads his arms wide, pushing his chest forward. The ball hits between the part between his sternum and his diaphragm. He then falls to the ground, curls up and asks for help.
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11 hours to reach the hospital
He apparently lost consciousness shortly after this stop. Witnesses said they tried to revive the boy, to no avail. The drying up of the rivers complicated its transport to the town of Maués. He arrived there more than eleven hours after collapsing, according to the young man’s sister, reports CNN. She also said her brother complained of chest pains before the match. The shocks he may have suffered to the chest during the numerous matches he played may have aggravated an already existing health problem in the teenager, according to the doctors interviewed. But Edson Lopes Gama had no known medical problems.
The family is now awaiting the medical report. “Today you moved all of Brazil and I never imagined it could happen like this. A tournament player, a boy who had no sadness, always happy. My brother, we are sorry to see you go, but you left doing what you loved most, which was playing football,” his brother wrote on social media.
The teenager was buried on January 7 near the family home. Some of his loved ones were dressed in the Gremio club jersey, his favorite team.