JJust before the end of year holidays, Frédéric Beigbeder was admitted to “intensive care”. The cause: a heart attack. After the installation of “stents” and appropriate treatment, the doctors strongly recommended that the author 99 Francs to change your lifestyle.
Only, as he explains to La Tribune Sunday from January 12, he has a hard time sticking to it. “The cardiologists told me to stop eating red meat and watch my diet,” he details…in front of a plate of red meat. “I’m ashamed, but it’s so good. »
From “banned substances” to “legal drugs”
Frédéric Beigbeder also notes that his heart attack occurred on “the anniversary of his custody”. The one for which he was accused of rape, a complaint dismissed in July for “lack of serious or consistent evidence” and the fact that “the offense appears insufficiently characterized”. “Without this affair, I would not have written this book! » he adds about his latest work, A lonely manpublished on January 8 by Grasset editions.
ALSO READ “The chicken curry was dry”: Frédéric Beigbeder jokes after his custody for rapeDefinitely amused by the situation which could nevertheless have had a disastrous turn, the writer jokes about his past addictions, today replaced by “legal drugs”. “If I can eat this [le steak au cours de l’entretien, NDLR] without dying right away, it’s […] Read more